Tuesday, October 25, 2011


How are your final projects going??? Don't wait until the last minute!
Need inspiration? {Click Here} 
(you may need to click that link from home, as it leads to flickr)
Ms. McB

Thursday, September 15, 2011


These are the posts you should made have so far:
1: Entry #1- 8/15/11
2: First Uploaded Picture/Practice Upload
3: Photo Terms
4: Story Board (if posted to your blog)
5: Favorite Photographer Post
6: Picnik Photo Edits
7: Picnik Doodle Edit
8: 7.4 Indoor Locations
9: 7.7 Events Low-Light
10: 7.3 Indoor Sports: Courts or Arenas
11: 7.1 Outdoor Sports: Daylight
12: Cloudy
Don't fall behind!
-Ms McB

Friday, September 2, 2011

YOUR FINAL EXAM PROJECT- "Same Subject, Different Day"

I am going to go ahead and give you the directions for your final exam project so you can start.
Select a subject. It can be a person, place, thing, or an idea. Over the course of the semester, I want you to take a series of photographs of your subject in different circumstances. If you select a moveable object- bring it with you and take pictures of it in different settings and surroundings. If you select a stationary object, such as a place, you will take photos of that place at different times of day, different seasons, different weather conditions, etc. 
Don't just take a single photo per day- take multiple photos and select the best ones. 

What are you going to turn in?
Remember how you had to purchase clear sheet protectors? This is what you are going to use them for!
When you have finished taking all of your photos, select your 12-15 best ones. Have them printed professionally in an 8x10 format. Put them in the clear sheet protectors, arrange them in a chronological order or an order that shows progression, and then put them in a three ring binder. You will turn this in on your exam day!! (Seniors that qualify for exemption still take pics and turn them in, but aren't required to attend critique on the exam day)
Remember, I am looking for thoughtful compositions that are both artistic and representative of your photo terms. These photos should display clear understanding of both composition and technical skills that we will learn over the course of the semester. 

Totally confused? Here is a link to a photographer that did a great job of this project called "Same Hill, Different Day" {CLICK HERE}
Watch this clip from the Amelie {CLICK HERE TOO}

Got it? OK GO!

PS Please comment with your questions if you have them!!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Listen up

I'm going to say this once more .....
I am going to call all of you out:
Mary Grace
Chris P
and anybody else....
Delete/edit  your unrelated posts or comments ASAP. Don't ruin the ability to use this format for the rest of the class....
Starting today, anyone that makes an unrelated post will be given a zero for the week plus two detentions.GOt it?!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Your first Project- SPELL IT OUT! DUE OCT. 1st!!

Entry 1- 8/15/11

Hi Class, 
Glad you found my page. As is the case for many of you, this is my first blog. I want us all to blog because it is a fun and easy way to track the progress of the class. This blog is to serve as a virtual diary of the images you shoot. It is also a great way for me to share information and assignments with you. Since you can log into your accounts from anywhere, you will never be out of the loop! So, first order of business- create your blogs, find your fellow classmates and start following them.
Remember- this is for the digital photography class only. Refer to the syllabus about rules regarding what you post. Keep it clean and classy. Lets have a great year!
Ms. McBride